Should you keep your hair long for your partner?

Last night, I came across an article that caught my attention. In this article, a couple of women discussed how their partners liked their hair long, even though the women wanted their hair short.

A woman by the name of Linda said that she has never really been a fan of having long hair. Unfortunately, her husband loves her long locks. In fact, the hair actually plays a pivotal role in his attraction to her. On her husband's birthday, she cut her locks off into a cute bob. Her husband HATED the haircut, and was on her about the hair cut long after his birthday.

Another woman by the name is Jill can attest to the above story. Jill's husband Steve likes her long flowing hair. He raved about it in an interview that he did with The Daily Mail. He told the interviewer that people would compliment Jill about her long hair all the time.

Couple Anwar and Lisa have similar stories. In Anwar's family, all of the women had long hair. In Anwar's marriage to Lisa, he wants Lisa to look feminine. When Lisa cut her long hair to her shoulders, Anwar was very displeased. He distanced himself from Lisa soon after.

Researchers theorize that as people age, they become more concerned about how their partner feels about their appearance. The goal then becomes to stay attractive to their partner, even if it means keeping a hairstyle long.

Experts advise that couples discuss the topic. Women should confront their partner about their fears of appearing less attractive to their partner because of a shorter 'do. Relationship experts remind people that relationships are all about a mutual respect of ones feelings and beliefs.

My Two Cents

I totally relate to this story. In my last relationship, my partner loved long, straight hair on me. I have naturally curly hair. He hated it. When I would get my hair cut short, he didn't like it. So, I spent a ton of time maintaining long, straight hair (which took nearly an hour or so to straighten by the way).
After the relationship ended, I was searching for a new look. I wanted to chop all of my hair off. As I looked at myself in the mirror, staring at my bangs and long natural curls, I changed my mind. I actually loved my curls (I grew up hating them by the way). I decided that the only change I needed to make was to go back to basics, and I've been here ever since. The right partner will love me for who I am, not how I wear my hair. They will love me with lots of hair, or no hair at all. They will love me if I'm in sweats, or in a flirty dress.

The bottom line here is, wear your hair however you want to wear it. If you want to go short, go short. If you feel that it may hurt your relationship, bring your fears up with your partner. I know relationships are built upon communication and respect. A decision that makes you both happy can be reached. Just talk it out.
Guys, please be open to listening to your partner's feelings. Be willing to come to an agreement with her.

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