Donald Trump refers to 9/11 as 7/11 when discussing attacks.

The timing could not have been worse for Donald Trump to have a monumental 'slip of the tongue.'
The day before the New York primaries, GOP candidate Donald Trump spoke to a crowd of people in Buffalo, hoping to continue his momentum in the polls.

"There is nothing nicer than [the] U.S.A. I think what I want to do is I want to talk just for a second. I wrote this out and it’s very close to my heart. Because I was down there, and I watched our police and our firemen down on 7/11, down at the World Trade Center, right after it came down and I saw the greatest people I have ever seen in action."

During the same event, Trump threw venomous shade at Ted Cruz, saying that Cruz hates New York.

My Two Cents

Oh Lord have mercy, where do I even begin with this?
Let's start with his offensive flub. Everyone in the world knows that the terrorist attacks happened on September 11, 2001. For him to mess up that date is extremely offensive to the memory of the victims.

I know some of you feel that I'm making mountains out of molehills, but unless you were born without a heart, you would be offended too. Plus, I have family members who lost friends in the terror attacks. I have every right to be steamed about this.

Also, when Trump said that he was there, if I'm not mistaken, he was in one of his big mansions resting comfortably. He wasn't anywhere near the twin towers. He would be too afraid of soot getting on his $10,000 Armani suit.

I don't have much to say about the Ted Cruz thing. Ted Cruz is just as much of a horrible mutant as Trump.

This country should not have a leader who can't even remember the date and times of the terrorist attacks. I know I will never forget it. That day will haunt me for the rest of my life.

Apparently Trump doesn't care enough about the tragedy to get the f*cking dates right.

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