Is the banana peel challenge a dangerous teen trend?

As the years pass, teenagers find new ways to let loose and act stupid. When I was a teenager, many teens mimicked the guys from "Jackass." As the years passed, teenagers began recording random shenanigans on YouTube. The newest shenanigan has animated roots: slipping on a banana peel.

If you grew up watching cartoons, you've probably seen characters slipping on a banana peel and falling backward. The current generation has decided to put the banana peel slip to the test, and then upload their findings to social media.
The rules are simple: you take a banana peel, put it on the floor, walk across it to see if you slip and fall.

The banana peel challenge is the brain child of a teenager who uploaded his banana peel experience to social media. He performed the challenge and said he caught himself with a cup on the way down. His tweet has been retweeted over 110,000 times on Twitter.
Those who have tried it have seen that it is nothing like they have seen in the cartoons. In fact, many teens have been sent to the emergency room for various injuries. As of right now, no serious injuries have been reported.

My Two Cents:

Look, I remember what it was like to be a teenager. You think you are unstoppable. You even test yourselves to confirm that you are unstoppable. Unfortunately, you put yourself at serious risk by doing these challenges. In the "Jackass" days, teens were getting seriously injured left and right by mimicking those tricks. I think some people even died. That led to "Jackass" putting up a notice before each stunt, saying "do not perform stunt at home."
Guys, you are not unstoppable. You are children. You have an entire life ahead of you. You don't want to put yourself in a situation where you become permanently disabled, or you lose your life. Want to prove that you are unstoppable? Respect your parents, stay in school, get good grades, go to college, and make something of yourself. Don't be an idiot.

To the kid that started this whole thing: What are you trying to prove? Go do your homework. Find a new hobby. Do something that doesn't influence your peers to hurt themselves.

(Note: I didn't name the teen who started this challenge due to the fact that he is a child.)

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