Why I want to live in a tiny house.

I'm not someone who follows trends in my personal life. However, when the tiny home trend began, I became more interested in the lifestyle. Within the past year, I've become more passionate in finding out as much as I can about this movement.

I have many reasons as to why I would like to someday live in a tiny home:

-First off, those that know me (or follow my blog) know that I have a couple of health issues and a spinal condition. A big living space is too much for me to keep tidy. A smaller living space would be less taxing on my health.

-Secondly, I have a history of being a bit of a collector. With a tiny home, I will be forced to collect less items and focus on what I have.

-Monetarily speaking, buying a tiny home will save me the hassle of mortgage payments every month. Some of the tiny homes that I have taken interest in run anywhere between $20,000 and $50,000. The average home is hundreds of thousands of dollars. I don't want to be spending my later years still paying off debt.

As I have researched the tiny home lifestyle, I've noticed that many people in the movement live "green." Many tiny homes have solar panels and composting toilets. Having solar panels will help save money on bills. As for the composting toilet, I am still learning about the mechanics of it (and I will be writing about the composting toilet in a later post). Composting toilets will save money on water, plus it is good for the environment.

Along with living a tiny home lifestyle, and "going green," I plan on growing my own food. I would love to have a garden full of fruits, vegetables, and herbs. I want to grow every herb imaginable so one day I can get off of all of my meds and treat my illnesses with herbs (of course I will talk to my doctors before I start this).

A lot of these aspirations are far off in the future, but this is how I see myself settling down.

"But Shauna, what if you get married and have kids?"
Well, I'm not sure if I want to get married. I'm undecided on the topic. As far as kids are concerned, I've already made my mind up that I will never have kids. I decided against having kids because of my health reasons being hereditary. The only kids I will have running around are four-legged furbabies that meow at me when their water dish is empty.

Anyways, I will be writing a lot about tiny homes in the coming days. I will be discussing the composting toilets, shipping container homes, tree homes, yurts, tiny mansions, tiny homes on wheels, hives, tiny cabins, and all the workings of living in a tiny home.

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