Why I drink lemon water

Lately I have been doing this thing where I'm trying to be healthier. With the health issues I already have, I want to make sure I don't add anymore to the mix. So, I've been researching how to get more nutrients into my body, and what ingredients can help with chronic pain and chronic fatigue.

First off, I'm trying to get more water intake. We can all use more water in our lives. In fact, in order for the body to function properly, us women need to drink about 9 cups of water per day. Men need to drink around 13 cups of water per day.

While I have been struggling to reach that 9 cup goal, I been searching for ways to make water more attractive to my taste buds, without taking in more calories. Here come the lemons!

Lemons carry a wealth of health benefits:

-Excellent source of Potassium, Vitamin C, and Folate.
-Source of water-soluble vitamin B, which helps prevent defects during pregnancy.
-Helps prevent cognitive decline.
-Helps prevent some cardiovascular issues
-Helps prevent psychiatric issues.
-Helps maintain muscle
-Heart healthy
-Helps prevent cancer
-Helps prevent arthritis

What I do is drink 8 ounces of lemon water before every meal and light snack. Not only do you get the above health benefits, it will help you fill up and not over-snack during the day. I have also implemented drinking sparkling lemon and sparkling lime water into my fluid intake regime. Have I seen any results? Well, I've only been doing this for a week. I do feel less bloated, and I fill up on small amounts of food easily. That's a plus, right?

Want to know more about the benefits of lemon water? Look at the picture below!

Want to find out for yourself if lemon water can benefit you? Fill a glass of water, squeeze some lemon juice, drink, and enjoy!

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