Teen sets self on fire and films it for Youtube.

We all did some pretty stupid things when we were teenagers. Our parents played "Chicken," and we mimicked stunts from "Jackass," We thought we were so invicible. How naive we were!

Now OUR teenagers are playing a rather dangerous game of "Fire Challenge." "Fire Challenge" has been sweeping the nation. What happens is, teenagers pour alcohol on themselves, and set themselves on fire.
One teen decided to film the stunt. He poured alcohol all over himself, lit a match, and he went up in flames. The teen said that once he was engulfed the pain was "unbearable." *duh!*
Once paramedics arrived and put out the fire, he was already blistering. He had burns on his stomach area.

Teens who film the "Fire Challenge" only film the alcohol being poured and the match being lit. There are a bunch of the videos all over Youtube.

You know, I get that teenagers think they are invincible and nothing bad can ever happen to them. I hate to break it to you kids, but everyone has an expiration date. Playing dangerous games will just speed up your death sentence.
Do these kids get up in the morning and think, "Hmm, I think after school I'm going to get on Youtube, get some alcohol from the old man's liquor cabinet, get some matches, and light myself on fire."
*What the fuck?!*
How about you do your homework and help your parents by doing chores, you nutcases!

Do you teenagers want to be total badasses? Here's an idea: get through high school alive and graduate with honors! Get into college! Major in something awesome. Graduate college. Get a job in the corporate world and fuck things up from the inside. THAT is total badass work right there! Stop lighting yourselves on fire.
(I can't believe I have to remind people not to be firebugs. This should be common sense.)

[photo credit: www.troll.me]

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