Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump on Twitter: "Delete Your Account."

Photo Credit: theborneopost via AFP
"Delete Your Account:" it was the *mic drop* heard round the world yesterday, following an exchange of words between the presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump, and presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

After news broke that President Obama was officially endorsing Hillary Clinton as the next President, Trump went on a Twitter rampage:
"Obama just endorsed Crooked Hillary. He wants four more years of Obama-but nobody else does!"

Within minutes, Hillary Clinton responded:
Photo Credit: snopes

Those three words sent a sonic boom throughout all of social media. In the span of 1 hour, Clinton's tweet was shared more than 130,000 times.
The three words didn't stop Trump and some of his supporters from using cheap responses to her *mic drop* moment.

At this time, "Delete Your Account" is the most retweeted campaign post on Twitter. Also #DeleteYourAccount has been making waves across social media.

Trump may be trying to pull out all the stops to ruin Clinton's moment, but she isn't having it.

My Two Cents

I hate to sound like a broken record, but I'm not a fan of Hillary Clinton's. However, I freaking loved her response to Donald Trump's tweet. Her 3-word sonic boom was epic.

She may be a shady person, but she knows how to layeth the smackdown on the cheeto beast. That gains some of my respect.
BOOM! Suck it, Trump! Have you deleted your account yet?

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