Donald Trump boasts on Twitter about how right he was about Muslims, in wake of Orlando tragedy.
Photo Credit: businessinsider |
As the world knows, terror and hate struck Orlando in the wee hours of Sunday morning. A gunman went into Pulse in Orlando and opened fire. At least 50 people have died, and another 53 are in critical condition.
The shooter, Omar Mateen, is also dead from a shootout with police. Mateen was later proven to have attachments to terrorist group ISIS.
The above revelation added fuel to Donald Trump's fire. He tweeted the following message:
"Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism, I don't want congrats, I want toughness & vigilance. We must be smart!"An hour later, he posted a similar message on Facebook.
My Two Cents
We all know how much Donald Trump hates Muslims, and loves himself. He loved that Mateen was proven to have allegiance to ISIS. He chose today, of all days, to boast about his "accomplishment" of being right. It didn't phase him that 50+ people were murdered, and 53 more are fighting for their lives. Oh wait, he doesn't like the LGBT community. I forgot.
Do we really want this putz to become President of the United States? He couldn't be the least bit compassionate about what the victims and their families are going through. Is this the guy you people want leading you during a crisis? At least Obama is pulling out all the stops to make sure that the city of Orlando, and the victims, have everything they need.
Anyone who votes for Donald Trump is completely f*cked in the head.
Excuse me while I go a few rounds with my boxing bag.