The downfall of Kevin Spacey

Kevin Spacey was one of the most respected actors in the world. He had a number of incredible movies under his belt, and his Netflix show "House of Cards" was a big hit.
Then the world learned of his secret life.
A growing list of men have come forward, accusing Spacey of sexual assault.

Recently, news broke that Kevin Spacey sexually assaulted actor Anthony Rapp when Rapp was 14 (Spacey was 26). Within the last 24 hours, Harry Dreyfuss, son of actor Richard Dreyfuss, came forward and accused Spacey of groping him when Dreyfuss was 18.

Not only has the list of actors accusing Spacey of assault grown, so has the punishment Spacey has endured because of his actions. Spacey was removed from a prestigious actors group, he was dropped by his publicist and agency, and he was fired from Netflix. There are rumors surrounding the future of "House of Cards," and whether or not the show has been cancelled. As of right now, the show has been cancelled. However, there are talks for the show to return, obviously without Kevin Spacey.

Social media has been a-buzz about this trending story, and many fans have turned their backs on Spacey. Fans have expressed disappointment in the actor, and who can blame them.

In a shocking, disturbing, and offensive turn of events, Spacey used the sexual assault allegations to 'come out' as gay. He wanted to turn all the attention away from the allegations and use his sexuality as a means to make an excuse for his actions. Also, the way he worded it was equally disgusting. He said he "chooses now to live as a gay man." You can't choose your sexuality. You either are or aren't. He made the LGBT community look horrible, and he has caused more damage than ever.

My Two Cents

I won't lie, I was a fan of Spacey's work. After finding out about Spacey's secret life as a pedophile, I am disgusted.
I also won't be watching anything he has acted in or had any part of. This disappointment brings be back to when actor Stephen Collins had his controversy. I am experiencing the same disappointment as I did back then. I still don't watch anything Collins has had a part in.

It's pretty disappointing when you find out someone who had so much talent was a monster behind the scenes.

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