Pregnancy: The Panorama blood test.

Around your second prenatal visit, your doctor may recommend that you take a blood test called Panorama. This test is very important, as it will test to see if your child has Down Syndrome, Trisomy 13, Trisomy 18, and other genetic disorders. The most incredible part about this test is that it can also detect your baby's gender! You may be wondering how accurate this test is in detecting your baby's gender. According to my doctor and genetics counselor, it has 99% accuracy, and you will get your results in 7 to 10 calendar days. With this test, there is no waiting until your 20th week of pregnancy to know the gender of your baby.

My experience with Panorama

I was introduced to this genetics test during my first prenatal appointment. Since I was only 8 weeks at the time, it was too early for me to do that test right then and there. Now that I am 12 weeks pregnant, I was able to do the blood test. I took the test this past Thursday, so I am anxiously awaiting the results.

When I met with the genetics counselor, I was nervous. I was nervous because I will be giving birth when I am 35 years old, and with my health issues, I was terrified that my baby would be at high risk for a lot of disorders. She assured me that my baby's risks are very low. The only one we are looking out for are heart defects (I was taking lithium for bipolar disorder during most of my first trimester. I have since weaned off of my behavioral meds and am emotionally stable). I will find out more next month at my prenatal visit. Right now, my baby's heartbeat is strong and in healthy ranges. On Thursday, the heart rate was at 160 beats. The baby was also moving around and active. At one point during the ultrasound, the baby was waving at me. I already know this kid is going to be a ham, just like its momma. LOL!

Anyways, if you are worried about your baby's risk of Down Syndrome and other genetic disorders, I highly suggest you talk to your doctor about Panorama.

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