Rebound sex: Yay or Nay?

It is often said that the best way to get over a former lover is to get under someone new. While this may resolve emotions temporarily, this quick fix could spell trouble later on, in a wide variety of ways.
Are the more permanent consequences that could arise from a rebound sexcapade worth the 7 minutes in heaven? I don't think so.

As a newly single woman, fresh out of a 3 and a half year relationship, I've often wondered if a rebound relationship would help me get over my ex. However, my more rational side realizes that the only way to heal after a bad break-up is to go through the grieving process, and become a whole person on my own. Only then can I be ready for my next relationship.
I recently graduated from a dual-diagnosis treatment program. I was in for bipolar disorder and alcohol abuse. In these treatment programs, it is recommended that singles give themselves a year of abstinence in order to focus on recovery. Since I'm dealing with the dual-diagnosis, and the bad break-up, I'm 100% on board with giving myself a year. I'm even thinking about giving myself a year and a half to work on myself.

If you're fresh out of a relationship, I strongly recommend that you give yourself time to heal. Sure, you will miss the intimacy that you had in your previous relationship, but the greatest thing you could do for yourself (and your next relationship) is to fully heal and be a whole person alone.

Readers: Do you think rebound sex helps to get over previous lovers?

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