Days of Gratitude (day three, video three).

photo credit: Shauna Silva (Me and Blaze September 2015)

Shooting this video was hard, as our family cat Blaze passed away unexpectedly this morning. I was getting ready for the day when my stepmother told me that Blaze suddenly became very sick. I rushed over to her side of the house and I stayed at Blaze's side until she passed away. Blaze lived a good and long 13 years. She was well taken care of and very much loved by all of us.

I was thinking about what I could be grateful for on this sad day. While the pain of losing my dear kitty runs deep, I did find something that I was grateful for. My video explains everything.

Now that I've talked about what I am grateful for, I want to know what YOU are grateful for today. Comment below. Let's keep this gratitude ball rollin!

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