George Takei posts offensive meme and doesn't apologize for it.
photo credit: Independent co uk
"Star Trek" veteran George Takei recently stumbled into some controversy when he posted a controversial meme on Facebook. In the meme, a woman using a wheelchair was trying to stand up to reach something on the top shelf in a supermarket (from the looks of the aisle, it was the alcohol aisle). The meme captioned: "There has been a miracle in the alcohol aisle."
While George Takei didn't make the meme and only shared it, he made a comment of his own to go along with the photo:
"She was filled with the holy...spirits."
Fans took to Twitter and Facebook in a matter of seconds to express their outrage. Many of them spoke up for themselves, family, or friends who are wheelchair-bound, or need the assistance of a wheelchair.
While the stories from these fans would touch anyone's heart, they didn't even make a dent in Mr. Sulu's heart. George Takei made a follow-up post.
"Fans get 'offended' from time to time by my posts. There hardly is a day where something I put up doesn't engender controversy. Concerned fans, worried the sky may fall, ask me to 'take it down.'
So I'm also going to ask them also to take it down - a notch, please."As someone who used to follow George Takei on Facebook and Twitter, I found it very appalling that he would (1) share such an offensive meme, and (2) stand behind its message!
Before I hurt my back, I was a CNA and a private duty caregiver. I took care of elderly folks and folks who were disabled. Disabilities are NOTHING to mock or joke about. Also, you can't judge someone who simply stands up from their wheelchair to reach something that is high up on the shelf of a supermarket. You don't know their disability! They could be dealing with MS, Fibromyalgia, recovering from back surgery, knee surgery, cancer, vertigo, etc. You don't know their story.
I hope to god that Mr. Takei doesn't know the life of someone with limited mobility someday. I only experienced it personally for the first 4 weeks after my back surgery. At 31 years old, I was walking with a walker, unable to stand up in the shower on my own (I had to use a shower seat), and I couldn't make my own meals, do laundry, or fully dress myself. Shit, I couldn't even go to the fucking store because I couldn't walk around. People that have to live with limited mobility full-time live with the mocking and the ignorance from assholes like George Takei and it sickens me. They don't deserve to be mocked. They deserve to be treated with care and with respect.
I hope George Takei finds it in his heart to apologize to the communities that he has hurt with his ignorance. If he doesn't apologize, he's just lost a shitload of fans.
George Takei, you may think that you were just making an innocent joke, but it wasn't funny. I have a sense of humor, but that meme was NOT funny at all. It was offensive.