Florida officials advise that people not shoot guns at Hurricane Irma.

Photo Credit: racingnewsco
Yeah, you read that headline right. Apparently, a social media event was created in hopes that a bunch of people would gather together and fire bullets into Hurricane Irma. The goal is to shoot the hurricane away.
Well, police in Florida clapped back at these idiots and posted the following warning on Twitter:
"To clarify, DO NOT shoot weapons @ #Irma. You won’t make it turn around & it will have very dangerous side effects."
The officer who posted the tweet also shared a graphic of the hurricane in a swirling motion, with the words: "Bullets come back, don't shoot."

If you're wondering how many stupid people RSVP'd to this event, it is estimated that over 25,000 people thought it was an ingenious idea to shoot bullets at a Hurricane.

My Two Cents

I've been tracking this storm because I know people in Florida, personally, who are about to get walloped by this storm. I also know someone who was in the Dominican Republic on their honeymoon when the storm hit there.

This storm is no joke, and the fact that there are over 25K people out there who think it's a good idea to shoot bullets at a hurricane, makes me lose faith in all of humanity.

The officer who tweeted the graphic is right, the rotation of the hurricane will make the bullets come right back at you. But, hey! If you want to shoot bullets at a hurricane, I won't cry at your funeral. By all means, be an idiot.

Let this be a lesson to all you kids out there: Bath salts are bad..mmkay?

In all seriousness, I'm praying for all of you who are in the path of this behemoth storm. Be safe!

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