Religious woman trolls Target; chastises store for allowing trans men and women to use bathroom of gender identity

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An anonymous woman marched into a Target store, her 12 equally annoying children in tow, and waved her Bible in the air. She shouted disparaging remarks about Target allowing trans men and women to use the bathroom that matches their gender identity.
"Attention Target customers… Do not be deceived, Target would have you believe with their Mother’s Day displays that they love mothers and children. This is a deception. This is not love, and they’ve proven it by opening their bathrooms to perverted men. I’m a mother of 12 and I’m very disgusted by this wicked practice. Mothers get your children out of this store. Mothers, have enough decency to get out of this store, it’s a dangerous place… What Target has done is very hateful. It’s hateful towards families. … Are you gonna let the devil rape your children?"

The entire scene was recorded and put on YouTube. The video has since gone viral. The family was eventually escorted out.

My Two Cents

First off, I'm shocked that this woman, her husband, and her children weren't arrested for 'disturbing the peace' and 'trespassing.' Secondly, and I'm sick of repeating myself, the majority of perverted men come from her gene pool; the kind that is super religious. I have not seen one trans person that has been arrested for molestation or rape. It has always been someone who is conservative, or in the priesthood. Her last sentence actually amuses and appalls me: "Are you gonna let the devil rape your children?" No. That's the priest's job. The devil is more alive in the religious conservative's community than in the LGBT community.

Oh, and 12 kids...really?! You want to take moral ground when you gave birth to an entire baseball team, and raised them up to be as classless and damaging as you are? Tell us some more lady.
I'm not a mother and I'm very disgusted by your wicked practices. Wrap it up and keep your mouth shut. The world will thank you.

Oh and what she said about the homosexual agenda...what agenda is that again? Equality? Oh geez, here we go again, spreading our equality around. When will we learn to not be a loving community that wants equality? I'm going to go sit in a corner, listen to Ani DiFranco, and think about what I've done. Bad Shauna...BAAADDD.

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