GOP house speaker believes NC has no intention to repeal HB2 by deadline.

In what should come as no surprise to anyone, Republican Speaker of the House Tim Moore revealed that North Carolina Governor McCrory has no intention on repealing HB2 by enforced deadline. This week, the federal government stepped in and said that the anti-LGBT law HB2 was a violation of civil rights. The governor was given 5 days to repeal the bill or face funding cuts and a lawsuit.
My Two Cents
While the conservative imbeciles are sitting on their thumbs doing nothing, the state is going to end up losing billions in federal funding. I hate to sound like a broken record, but this means businesses wil go under, hard-working people will lose their jobs, families will go hungry, families won't have healthcare, children won't have schools to go to, and the overall economy of North Carolina will collapse. Is all that really worth it in order to push your Christian agenda? Are your unfounded viewpoints really worth it? I don't think so. How about considering how this bigotry is already hurting the state? If you think things are bad now, wait til you see what happens when all that federal money you depend on is no longer there.