Meghan Trainor takes down "Me Too" video after discovering she was photoshopped.

The 22-year-old songbird made a bold statement by taking down her new video to her single "Me Too." After producers put the video up, Trainor noticed that her body was digitally modified to appear much smaller than she actually is. Trainor is about body-positivity and 'loving the skin you're in.' After all, her song, "All About That Bass," is an anthem to loving natural curves. She was visibly pissed off at the producers for the video.

Trainor released a video on SnapChat, and said this:
"They photoshopped the crap out of me! I'm so sick of it, and I'm over it, so I took it down until they fix it! My waist is not that teeny. I had a bomb waist that night, I don't know why they didn't like my waist. But I didn't approve that video and it went out into the world, so I'm embarrassed."

UPDATE: A new video for "Me Too" was released 3 hours ago. It's pretty much the same one that she took down yesterday. I'm not sure what is going on with this video, but something is rotten in the state of Denmark.

My Two Cents

I've read a lot of reports that question if Meghan Trainor was really 'in the dark' about this music video. People have also brought up the subject of consent. How come the producers did not contact Ms. Trainor regarding the photoshop issue?
While people continue to speculate about what is going on, Meghan Trainor is clearly, and understandably, upset by the photoshopping of her curves.

As someone who is a fan of a few of her songs, my favorite being body-positive "All About That Bass," I was appalled by the photoshopped version of the video. Not only was the photoshop unnecessary, it was done in such a way to make her appear like she wasn't human.

I can't wait to see what the actual video looks like. You get those photoshoppers, Meghan Trainor! trainor

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