North Carolina's HB2 law violates civil rights; Gov given days to repeal or lose funding.

hb2 The U.S Department of Justice is calling out Governor Pat McCrory over his anti-LGBT law, saying that it violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. Both laws ban sex discrimination, including discrimination against gender identity. Vanita Gupta, the principal deputy assistant attorney general, sent a letter to Gov McCrory highlighting the violation. If Gov McCrory does not repeal the law in 5 days, he risks losing federal funding for his entire state. Public schools in NC received $861 million in federal funds this year, and the University of North Carolina received $1.4 billion in the 2014-2015 school year. This funding could be completely cut off for the next school year if Gov McCrory does not repeal HB2. The state also risks being sued by the federal government for the violations.

North Carolina has already lost an estimated $500 million in economic impact. Losing federal funding could put North Carolina in financial ruin. People will lose jobs, homes, health care, and much more.

My Two Cents

It gets pretty serious when the federal government comes in and threatens legal action against an entire state. I hope that Gov McCrory is able to put his bigotry behind him and think of what's best for EVERY citizen of North Carolina (not just the racist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, christian kind). I'm sure he doesn't want to be the first person to flush an entire state down the toilet. That would be a tragedy because North Carolina really is a beautiful state. 

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