ICYMI: Oklahoma calls for Obama's impeachment over bathroom directive.

After President Obama called for schools to allow students to use bathrooms based on gender identity, officials in Oklahoma are calling for President Obama to be impeached. Oklahoma officials cite that Obama has "overstepped his constitutional authority."
On Thursday, Oklahoma filed two arguements for Obama's impeachement:
- "Students should only use bathrooms pertaining to the gender on the birth certificate."
- "Suggesting th the practices be changed, Obama has overstepped his role."
Senator Anthony Sykes of Oklahoma was one of the driving forces behind the call for Obama's impeachment. He said: "The state will do everything in its power to protect their women and children."
My Two Cents
Soooo, Oklahoma officials feel as if the trans community are a bunch of perverts and molestors. What are they doing about the Priests and Pastors that consistently molest children and members of the Church? In my eyes, THEY are the enemy.
I've done my research: There is NO RECORD of any trans man or woman EVER molesting people. As for the reports of molestation among the Church leaders, there are reports everyday! I guess it's easy for Oklahoma officials to overlook that. Hell, they even encourage it, every Sunday morning when they tithe. If God encourages Church leaders and other conservatives to molest women and children, I'm glad I don't believe in him.
As for Oklahoma, good luck with impeaching him. You'd have a better chance of seeing Jesus walk the earth.