Phyllis Schlafy believes that women can avoid being raped by focusing on marriage, and not their careers.
photo credit: stillettosandapen
Well, it looks like Schlafy and "Princeton Mom" share the same lack of a brain.
According to Schlafy, we women can avoid being raped if we just stop focusing on careers, education, "hooking up," etc., and instead focus on marriage. Apparently, WE have the ability to stop men from being the animals that they are (Schlafy stated that men are "inherent rapists" and they cannot control themselves. It is up to us women to tame them).
She also said that some married men may still rape. When asked to clarify what she meant by this, she did not provide an answer. (Big surprise! We all know that these conservative twatwaffles cannot back up their claims because they know deep down that they are wrong and worthless piles of shit).
She contradicted herself many times in her statement. While she said that some married men still rape and abuse women, she also said that marriage "settles men down."
Last I checked, marriage and family don't exactly "calm men down." I know a lot of deadbeats out there who are married and have kids, and these guys just don't give a shit. They still run around on their wife, jackhammering bar skanks, while the devoted wife is taking care of their children.
Not only that, marriage and family doesn't exactly prevent a guy from beating on his wife and kids. Has she ever heard of child abuse and domestic violence? It's not a fairy tale. This shit happens, and way too much. I grew up around violence. Granted, my parents were never married, but my mother's boyfriends weren't nice to me. Again, relationships and family DON'T tame the wild beast in men.
Once again, we have some bitch telling us that our only job in this world is to tame the wild beast in men, get married, have babies, and not have a career and/or education.
I know that we women are strong, but it really isn't OUR responsibility to tame men. Men need to be responsible and in control of their own urges.
What we women need to focus on is our own lives. We need to focus on OUR happiness. What do YOU want to become in your life? What do YOU want to study in school? What do YOU want to do for a job?
Ladies, please do NOT feel it is your responsibility to tame your man. He needs to work on that shit himself. As far as Schlafy saying that rape is OUR fault?! She's crossed a line. Rape is not OUR fault. It's the rapist's fault. What we wear, drink, say, do, etc., does not constitute being raped. The rapist is the one who is at fault. We are NOT responsible for THEIR actions.
Please do NOT put off your education and/or careers in order to get married. Follow your dreams. Get that degree. Achieve your heart's desire. Don't listen to idiots like Phyllis Schlafy. Get everything done that YOU want to get done, then, if you want marriage and family, get that taken care of too. Just because we are women, it doesn't mean that our sole purpose is to marry and be forever pregnant. That shit was made up by fat old white guys who never get laid. Don't listen to their misogyny. Listen to your heart and your mind.