It's been a while

photo credit: datesphere

Good morning everyone!

I know I haven't posted in a while and I am so sorry for that. I have been hard at work writing articles for a client. Also, I have been in a lot of pain lately, and I have been trying to manage the pain.

Yesterday, I had a visit with a new doctor and the doctor is super nice. He is eager to help me. Unfortunately, I might have Lupus. I have a lot of the symptoms, including the slight butterfly rash on my face. I am going for an ANA blood test next week, so I will know for sure soon.
The doctor is also going to be referring me to a GI doctor, lady doctor, and a psychologist.
With everything going on with my health, I am desperate to get back into therapy, so I can talk about all of this, and get some advice on how to lower my stress.

Anyways, I know I haven't given any updates on the book I'm writing. The outline of the book is done. I just need to type it up. The book will be available soon. I don't know when, but it will be in the next month or so.

I will keep everyone updated on everything. I hope everyone is well!

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