Geraldo Rivera's racist 'foot-in-mouth' disease angers the masses.
photo credit: People
Geraldo Rivera seems to be suffering from racist 'foot-in-mouth' disease these days. On Tuesday, Rivera opened his yap on Huffington Post Live, and said this:
"Hip-hop has done more damage to black and brown people than racism in the last 10 years, When you find the youngster, a Puerto Rican from the South Bronx or black kid from Harlem, who has succeeded in life other than being the one-tenth of one-tenth of one percent that make it in the music business... that's been a success in life, walking around with his pants around his ass and with visible tattoos."
Apparently, Geraldo Rivera still lives in the decade where anyone of color is either from Harlem or the south Bronx, and they all walk around with their pants down to their ankles, showing their asses.
Rivera wasn't done with his BS, however. He then made the typical 'white racist cover-up,' by name dropping his most famous black friend:
"I love Russell Simmons, he's a dear friend of mine. I admire his business acumen. At some point, those guys have to cop to the fact that by encouraging this distinctive culture that is removed from the mainstream, they have encouraged people to be so different from the mainstream that they can't participate other than, you know, the racks in the garment center and those entry-level jobs, and I lament it. I really do. I think that it has been very destructive culturally."
My Two Cents
I have heard a lot of racist comments in my 32 years, but this goes up on my list as one of the stupidest and most appalling comments I've ever heard. Has hip-hop changed in the past 20 to 30 years? Of course. Music evolves. To blame a genre of music for a minute group, of one or two cultures, for ruining rap, is just ridiculous.
I guess Geraldo Rivera missed being in the lime-light after his "scandalous" selfie lost its luster:
Mr. Rivera, I know that you're fishing for attention, but maybe you should try growing a heart and some smarts.
Also, you don't have any credibility by name dropping Russell Simmons. All you did was make yourself look like a complete a$$hole. Do yourself a favor and retire. Better yet, just become a mime.