Florida man steals sex toys in order to avoid embarrassment of buying them. (NSFW)

A man in Florida was apprehended after being caught shoplifting sex toys from a Spencer's Gifts shop in Vero Beach, Florida. Thirty-three year old Christopher Masters was arrested after the store manager witnessed Masters place two sex toys down his shorts.

Among the toys in his possession were the "Arouzed Screw Butt Plug," and the "Arouz'd Stroker Can." Masters admitted to Spencer Gifts security team that he had the money to purchase the items, but he didn't want to be seen purchasing them (the items were worth $30).
Masters was charged with misdemeanor shoplifting. Later that night, he posted a $500 bond and was released.

My Two Cents:

Dude f*cked himself more than the can or butt plug ever would. Next time, just buy the sex toys. Better yet, don't get the sex toys at Spencer Gifts. Only teenagers and 20-somethings shop there. Go to a real sex store. No need to be embarrassed to shop there since other patrons are there for the same thing: looking for a means to explore their sexuality. Nothing wrong with that. Or, you could just buy online.

$500 for a legal f*cking. How's your butt feel now, bro?

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