Caitlyn Jenner gives Kylie Jenner a rather 'inappropriate' present.
The Kardashians, however, must've been absent on the day we all learned right from wrong.
On Sunday's episode of "Keeping Up With The Kardashians," Caitlyn Jenner gifts a rather bizarre gift to her youngest daughter, Kylie. The 66 year old hands Kylie a bra and panty set, with Caitlyn Jenner's face plastered all over the lingerie set.
A taken aback Kylie tells Caitlyn that the gift is way too inappropriate to wear. When Caitlyn threatens to take the lingerie back, Kylie awkwardly refuses to give them back.
I have attached the awkward exchange below.
My Two Cents:
I am not even surprised by the level of wrong that Caitlyn Jenner has reached. This is a whole new level of "what the f*ck is wrong with you" that I've ever seen in my lifetime.
If you are going to give a gift to your teen daughter, don't give her a bra and panty set with your mug all over it.
I feel like I need church after seeing the above clip.