A cat's fascination with the 'red dot.'


Anyone who has had a cat has probably used a laser pointer to play with the cat. The red dot reminds the cat of a bug that must be destroyed. The cat stalks it, swipes at it, and may even try to bite it. Whatever the cat does, it provides us humans with a ton of amusement.

My cat Patches loves the red dot game. I have the toy on my nightstand and whenever she hears the jingle of the keychain it is on, she immediately goes on alert. She will stare at me until I give her the red dot. She will lay on her cat bed, stalking the red dot.
As I have been rehabbing from a fall that re-injured my spine, it has provided a ton of enjoyment to see her so playful.
No matter how old the cat, or what breed it is, that red dot is the greatest conquest.

Cats are members of the family. When you play the red dot game with your cat, make sure that you do not point the laser into your cat's eyes. I know it is common sense, but sometimes in the thick of playtime with kitty, we may experience a brief brain fart and accidentally shine the laser into their eyes. Please be careful. Also, make sure that you are pointing the laser at least 10 inches away from your cat. This protects them and provides them a ton of room to run and play.

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