What happens when you step back from Facebook.

Social media is a part of our every day lives. Whether you use it for personal or professional reasons, it helps you get exposure. While it may be great professionally, it can be brutal personally. Sure, you can make some aspects of your life more private by separating your friends list into specific groups. However, drama can still erupt in your close friendship circle. If you're like me and are new to sobriety, if drama erupts, just walk away from Facebook and make a positive choice. Whether it is going to the gym, going for a walk, cleaning, cooking, playing with your kids, etc., choose something that brings out the best in you. Don't engage in the drama, don't erupt into anger, and don't go out and use. Make another choice. Stay off of Facebook. You will quickly find out that you have a lot of time in your life to make good choices. In no time, you won't even miss Facebook. This goes for any social media site.

My story:

On Friday, a rift between myself and a friend of mine caused me to distance myself from Facebook in order to maintain my mental health. I won't go into details as to what took place. All I will say is that aspects of Facebook were involved (knowing when someone was online, seeing whether someone had read a message, etc.). From Friday afternoon to now, I have not been on Facebook.
Me being new to sobriety and (relatively) sane thinking, I needed to separate myself from all drama, and focus on making positive choices. After the rift between myself and my friend, I did some meditation and yoga stretches. It helped ease some of the inner conflict. The rest gradually went away.
What I have realized today is that I have so much time on my hands when I distance myself from drama. I think before, drama fueled my fire. Now, drama is my kryptonite. I love where I am at mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, and I won't let anything ruin that. I have maintained contact with some of my friends off social media and let them know about what was happening with me. Mainly, I messaged people and let them know I was okay, and that I just needed time.
I did get some writing done during this time off from Facebook. Between yesterday and today, I probably added nearly 8,000 words to my novel. Not only that, I got a few DIY projects completed, celebrated my dad's birthday with him, and took some time to relax. It was f*cking fantastic to not have negativity in my life.

Am I saying that all social media is wrong? No. I think social media is great. However, it shouldn't be our entire lives. The world is out there. Go experience it!

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