What happens when you step back from Facebook.
My story:
On Friday, a rift between myself and a friend of mine caused me to distance myself from Facebook in order to maintain my mental health. I won't go into details as to what took place. All I will say is that aspects of Facebook were involved (knowing when someone was online, seeing whether someone had read a message, etc.). From Friday afternoon to now, I have not been on Facebook.
Me being new to sobriety and (relatively) sane thinking, I needed to separate myself from all drama, and focus on making positive choices. After the rift between myself and my friend, I did some meditation and yoga stretches. It helped ease some of the inner conflict. The rest gradually went away.
What I have realized today is that I have so much time on my hands when I distance myself from drama. I think before, drama fueled my fire. Now, drama is my kryptonite. I love where I am at mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, and I won't let anything ruin that. I have maintained contact with some of my friends off social media and let them know about what was happening with me. Mainly, I messaged people and let them know I was okay, and that I just needed time.
I did get some writing done during this time off from Facebook. Between yesterday and today, I probably added nearly 8,000 words to my novel. Not only that, I got a few DIY projects completed, celebrated my dad's birthday with him, and took some time to relax. It was f*cking fantastic to not have negativity in my life.
Am I saying that all social media is wrong? No. I think social media is great. However, it shouldn't be our entire lives. The world is out there. Go experience it!