What to do when someone says: "We need to class this girl up."

Meeting the family of someone you are dating can be nerve-racking. Of course, the person you are dating will tell things to their family about you. This can either create the beginnings of a beautiful friendship, or make things super awkward.

I have ample experience in the 'super awkward' category. In my previous relationship, he told his family that I liked to shop at Thrift Stores (still do). His mother said: "We need to class this girl up." At that time, I let it go because I didn't want to create drama (my health issues did enough of that). Now that I am out of that relationship, I'm looking back with a new pair of eyes. I'm realizing how disgusting it was for his family to judge me. I wasn't wearing raggy clothes. These were clean and pressed clothes that I happened to have bought at a Thrift Shop. I ended up being sucked into his family's world of high-end everything. Anything below TJ Maxx was unacceptable in their eyes. Money became as paramount in my life as it was in their lives.
Now that the relationship is over, and has been over for nearly 4 months, I'm kind of angry at myself for not sticking up for who I am.

Today, I came across Thrift Store clothes that I packed away around the time I heard about what his mother said. All of these memories came back and it was borderline triggering. Instead of allowing their ignorance to bring me down, I decided to bring these clothes back.

I'm not sure when I will start dating again, but when I do, they need to accept me for who I am. I know the value of a dollar. I've been through some sh*t. I've seen some sh*t. All of the sh*t that I have seen and been through has made me the strong a** woman that I am today. I dress how I want, and I have my own style. I don't have expensive taste (obviously). I'm not into the 5 star restaurants. The classiest I will go is sushi, LOL!

The moral of this entire story is that you should NEVER let someone dictate how you dress, think, speak, etc. If someone says something (negative) about you shopping at a Thrift Store, run away! Keep it real. Don't change.

That is all!

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