Facebook is developing a feature to help you get over your ex.


The ending of a relationship is always difficult, and with social media sites like Facebook, the grieving process may be prolonged. The folks over at Facebook want to make this process easier on you. They developed a feature that gives you the option to remove your ex from your newsfeed. After removing your ex from your newsfeed, you will also be given the option to remove yourself from their newsfeed.
With this feature, neither one of you will be able to check up on one another. So, if you go on a date with a dude, your ex will have no knowledge of it. Facebook believes that this will improve the functionality of the site and make it a less dramatic place for all.

My Two Cents:

So, deleting and blocking your ex is too easy of a process for people?
Shortly after my previous relationship ended, I deleted and blocked my ex. I did that after realizing how controlling the relationship was (I was in outpatient treatment therapy when I realized all of this). I didn't want to have that bad energy in my life.

While I completely understand that the people over at Facebook are developing this out of the goodness of their heart, it seems pointless to me. If people wanted to sever ties with the drama, they'd delete and block their ex. If they continue to creep up on their ex, that is their issue, not Facebook's. It's not Facebook's fault if they cannot let go.

Readers: What do you think about this new feature?

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