My thoughts on the Duggar scandal

I'm pretty sure that all of you have heard about Josh Duggar's dirty little secret...that he molested a handful of females (including his own sisters Jill and Jessa Duggar). He has admitted to the molestations and what boggles my mind is that his family is standing by his side. I totally get that you have to be there for your family through thick and thin, but, if I had a son who violated young girls, I would throw him in jail myself and tell him that he is no longer welcome in the family.
I understand that Josh Duggar's family is uber-religious and all, but I'm pretty sure even God has a line and Josh Duggar has crossed it.

Adding insult to injury...Jill and Jessa are DEFENDING their brother's violation of them, saying that he was just "going through puberty and curious." A lot of guys are "curious" about the female anatomy (it's called being horny). Not all of them go around molesting young girls and their own sisters! There is something inherently wrong with him and he needs serious help.
It has been reported that he did some sort of Christian counseling or cleansing or something. That sh*t don't work! The dude is still a sick f*ck.
When I was going through my whole Christian phase 7 years ago, I remember going through some purity pledge thing and asking God to cleanse me from all of the crap I did in the past. Maybe that whole ordeal lasted a month tops, but one year later, I had one "active" summer, and I was boozing it up. You cannot be cleansed from urges. You just learn which urges are right and which urges are wrong. I learned about differentiating right urges from wrong urges in 10th grade when I had a thing for my Biology teacher. He was new to the district and I thought he looked like Matthew Perry from Friends. I had a big crush on him but I didn't act on anything because...IT WAS WRONG.

Folks, what Josh did in the past is a result of evil. It is the result of his damaging upbringing. This brings me to another thought: a strict Christian upbringing. It is blatantly clear that even the purest families have a few skeletons in the closet. When there are rules as strict as what the Duggars enforce, it is going to clash with biology, especially during those formative years. The Duggars taught their kids that everything that us "outsiders" do is wrong. Having sex outside of marriage is wrong, being gay, lesbian, bi, transgendered is wrong. Being a woman with a career is wrong. A female wearing pants is wrong. A stay-at-home dad is wrong, etc. Putting all of those types of restrictions, and more, on a person is psychologically, emotionally, spiritually, and physically damaging...and as you can see, it can generate a massive sh*tstorm.

My whole point of this is that Josh Duggar's molestations should have been addressed by law enforcement. Hiding this crime was wrong on the Duggar's part. If they had any working mental faculties, they would have brought this to the authorities. Kids need to be punished for committing a crime. Sweeping a wrong-doing under the carpet will not make it go away.
Unfortunately now, it is too late for Josh Duggar to be rightly punished and jailed for being a monster. He basically got away with being a sexual predator. The sick part about all of this is that he has kids of his own. If he did what he did with his sisters back in the day, who is to say he won't do the same thing to his own kids?

The whole thing just sickens me.

What are your thoughts on the Duggar scandal?

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