Britney Spears vs. Iggy Azalea: Who threw the best shade?

photo credit: thewrap

*Before I begin, I had to research Iggy Azalea since I had no idea who she was and why she is "famous." I even braved listening to a few of her songs (Note: I have my 3 month old kitten "Nala" next to me and she couldn't even handle the songs. She looked at me as if I were nuts for enduring 5 minutes of "What the F*ck?" music). *
Anyways, from what I gather, she is a 25 year old Australian rapper who blew onto the scene with her song "Fancy."

Onto the story. Recently, she collaborated with none other than Britney Spears for her song "Pretty Girls." Iggy became pissed off because the song didn't do well on the charts, and she blamed Britney for it.
Iggy said that it was a lack of promotion that made "Pretty Girls" peak at number 29 on the Billboard Hot 100. She did a Twitter Q&A with her fans, saying that the flop was out of her control, and that she was only a featured artist for the song. She said that lack of support from Spears was the reason why it flopped.
Spears came to the defensive and tweeted this:

Even after everything that Spears has been through, she is still the reigning princess of pop, and handles shade in the classiest of ways.

My Two Cents:

I was 16 when Britney blasted onto the charts. I will admit that I loved her music. Hell, I still listen to it when I want to relive late-1990s pop music. While I'm not a HUGE fan of hers, I have to give credit to her. As for the lack of promotion, she probably knew that the song was a fail from the start. Britney Spears has a Las Vegas residency to tend to (not to mention, she has two kids and she is trying to keep her sh*t together). It's not like she can drop everything and promote a song that pretty much sucks.

Iggy Azalea, while I don't know much about you, except that you put out sh*t music and you canceled your tour because you "need a break," I can tell that your not ready for fame and fortune. You might as well throw in the towel and return to a simple life. Perhaps when you're a bit older and more mature, you can come back. Until then, go to college and get a degree. In the immortal words of Ms. Spears, WORK B*TCH.

As for the "needing a break" part, you've only been relevent for a year. Britney has been working her a** off for over 20 years. After everything that she has been through, she is still at it. She's been doing this since before you were born. You work for a year and you need a break?
Girl, please.

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