Bill Hudson to kids Oliver Hudson and Kate Hudson: "You're dead to me!"

photo credit: womansdaynz

...And in the running for "Father of the Year," we have Bill Hudson, whose sperm produced two of Hollywood's finest thespians: Oliver Hudson and Kate Hudson.

The declaration came after Oliver Hudson posted a photo of himself, Kate Hudson, and Bill Hudson on Instagram, on Father's day, with the caption: "Happy Abandonment Day."
(For those who don't know the history of this estranged family, it was reported that Bill Hudson left then wife, Goldie Hawn, and Oliver and Kate).

In sheer maturity, Bill Hudson did an interview with the Daily Mail and publicly disowned his famous kids:
“I had five birth children but I now consider myself a father of three. I no longer recognise Oliver and Kate as my own.
I would ask them to stop using the Hudson name. They are no longer a part of my life. Oliver’s Instagram post was a malicious, vicious, premeditated attack. He is dead to me now. As is Kate. I am mourning their loss even though they are still walking this earth.”

Bill Hudson's final thoughts during the interview:
“Oliver could have picked up the phone and called me but he hasn’t. What shocks me is that this was clearly premeditated. He chose the photograph and posted it on Father’s Day, when he knew it would cause maximum pain. Oliver has lived in the shadow of his mother and sister all his life. Maybe he wanted to be in the headlines?”

My Two Cents:
While both parties have valid points, I sort of have to side with Oliver and Kate on this one. As a person who grew up in a broken home, I know what it is like to be in this situation (My mom and dad constantly fought and I wasn't able to have a relationship with my mom until recently).
Even now, I'm dealing with a younger half-brother that is going around telling people that his birth mother and I are dead. The downhill part of our brother-sister relationship was that he is a drug addict who doesn't want to accept help. Our mother and I have tried to help him out, and he won't reach out to us.
Both of us have accepted our deceased status in this life.

I digress. Back to the story:
Okay, perhaps Oliver Hudson was feeling extra angry at Bill Hudson for abandoning them all those years ago (hey, you can't blame him. That pain runs deep). I'm sure that he had attempted to reach out to his father through the years. We don't know.
My issue with the father is the fact that he thinks Oliver Hudson is an attention wh*re. Also, publicly declaring that his two famous children are "dead to him" is a rather childish move. He could have easily severed ties and left it at that. A jab-for-a-jab is a b*tch move.

What I left out in the story is that he also called Goldie Hawn a "lying, manipulative sl*t who sees her children as little more than conduits for money and power."
Yeah, I cannot high-five this a**hole. Goldie Hawn has had a successful career that has spanned decades. She has her own money. Kate Hudson and Oliver Hudson also have their own money.
Bill Hudson, sir, your argument is invalid.

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