Facebook A$$trolls pervert photo of Jessica Simpson's daughter, Maxwell.
photo credit: celebritybabyscoop
Leave it to Facebook (a$$)trolls to find perversion in this adorable photo of Jessica Simpson's daughter, Maxwell.
As I was wandering Facebook looking for intelligent life, I came across an article and found that the bottomfeeders are out in full force.
E! Online posted a photo of Jessica Simpson's adorable tot planting a smooch on a little boy. Underneath the storyline, there were dozens of comments from people perverting the photo.
Folks, perhaps she is a little young to be kissing, but this isn't the type of kiss that one would give their significant other. This is an innocent, friendly kiss between two 3 year olds. They are 3 years old for f*cks sake.
I may be in the minority here, but I think the photo is absolutely adorable. Maxwell is the spitting image of her mother, and that's a great thing.
As for the haters: haters be hatin!