Man's proposal leaves 6 people homeless.

photo credit: AP via Gawker

Folks, I understand that it is engagement season and everyone is all excited about rings and crap, but there is a right and wrong way to propose to 'the love of your life.'

A dutch man attempted a grand gesture in order to impress his main squeeze, and propose marriage. He rented a crane and hoisted himself up in front of her window, so she would see him when she woke up. He also brought his trusty guitar in attempt to serenade her awake.
Then, something went horribly wrong. Just as he reached the window, the crane toppled over, and smashed into the neighbor's roof, making a large hole in the roof.
When workers tried to move the crane with a larger crane, it again fell into the neighbor's roof, collapsing the rest of the roof into the neighbor's home.

The building was declared unsafe and 6 people were displaced.

If you're wondering if she said 'Yes' to the proposal, she did! The newly engaged couple jetted off to Paris to celebrate.

My Two Cents:
This unfortunate situation does teach readers two valuable lessons on human behavior.

First of all, this declaration of love was not well thought out. He failed to consider the danger presented by using a crane on a populated building.

Secondly, the fact that the engaged twosome jetted off without considering the welfare of the 6 people who lost their homes is just disgusting. If they had half a heart, they would have stayed to help out the neighbors.

I also want to talk about the right way and wrong way to propose to your love. If you are proposing to a woman, it's all about subtly. I don't know about you, but I fancy something small and romantic (maybe even goofy). Proposing on a beach is relatively sweet (albeit predictable and overdone). Proposing in front of family is touching and classy. Proposing on social media is just pathetic (only high-schoolers do that crap).
Proposing while walking the dogs in a park is also a sweet and unpredictable approach. Hell, even laying on the grass together and stargazing is touching.

Guys, if you know your woman, you will figure out a way.
As for renting a crane to lullaby your main squeeze, take a lesson from that bozo and pass on it. I'm pretty sure you will end up paying damage fees that are much higher than the price of the rock you put on your love's finger.

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