Kaley Cuoco denounces feminism; loves "feeling like a housewife."

photo credit: gotceleb

"The Big Bang Theory's" Kaley Cuoco was recently asked if she considers herself a feminist. She answered that with a resounding 'no.'
This all started when magazine "Redbook" asked her if she was a feminist.
This was Cuoco's answer:
"Is it bad if I say no? It's not really something I think about. Things are different now, and I know a lot of the work that paved the way for women happened before I was around... I was never that feminist girl demanding equality, but maybe that's because I've never really faced inequality."
She states that she also likes to serve her husband, tennis pro Ryan Sweeting. Cuoco likes feeling like a housewife and she loves to cook for her man.

"I cook for Ryan five nights a week: It makes me feel like a housewife; I love that. I know it sounds old-fashioned, but I like the idea of women taking care of their men. I'm so in control of my work that I like coming home and serving him. My mom was like that, so I think it kind of rubbed off."


My Two Cents:

The one thing that really gets on my nerves is when Hollywood actors have these preconceived notions that wanting equality between the sexes (and calling oneself a feminist) is a bad thing.
People see feminists as being anti-men. Feminists are NOT anti-men. We love men just fine. We women just want to be seen as equal in the eyes of the law.
Cuoco said that she doesn't see herself as being feminist because she never faced inequality. If she did her homework on what women still face nowadays, she would change her mind. We are still paid 77 cents to a man's dollar. I do not see that as being equal to men.

My first experience with inequality happened about 6 years ago. I found out that a man was being paid a lot more than I was (and I had more experience than this guy). I found it to be incredibly unfair. It wasn't until I took a women's studies course when I learned why I was dealing with this injustice in the workforce. Ever since then, I have been extremely verbal about my feminist views.
As far as wanting to "serve your spouse," there is nothing wwrong with wanting to take care of your partner, but you shouldn't feel as if it is your duty to serve them. You have to want to take care of them. It's perfectly fine to take care of your partner, and I admire Cuoco for taking care of her husband, but relationships and marriages are a partnership. Relationships should be an equal partnership with both individuals putting in the same amount of work.
I do what I can to take care of my boyfriend. I clean, cook, and do little things for him (when I'm not confined to the couch due to pain). When I'm not doing well, he takes care of me. We take care of each other.

She may have never faced inequality personally, but she knows at least half a dozen women who probably have. If she wants to enjoy being a housewife, that's totally okay. I have no beef with that. I just have beef with the fact that she is mouthing off about something she knows nothing about. I sincerely hope she reads up on feminism, and what women have done to pave the way for women today.

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