Has Kirk Cameron lost his damn mind?!
photo credit: memecrunch
Kirk Cameron: the 80s teen idol-turned-self-righteous asshole is at it again!
Incident #1
A video leaked recently, showing Cameron telling people how to witness to the GLBTQ community. He and his co-star of "Way of the Master," Ray Comfort, were shown judging folks for being gay. Comfort spoke to a gay man, telling him that he is a lying, thieving, adulterer at heart and that he is going to hell. He also pointed out that the GLBTQ lifestyle is sinful.
Kirk Cameron witnessed to a transgender (Male to Female) female, telling her that she is going to hell. He also said, "Why just be proud of who you are and dress like a man?" The woman got very upset, told Cameron that she has a place in Heaven, and walked off (Can you blame her?!).
There was another scene in the video where he and Comfort are driving around in his convertible, talking about saving "f*gs." He called the GLBTQ community "terrible."
My two cents:
If you are gay, lesbian, bi, transgender, asexual, pansexual, questioning, etc., there is nothing wrong with you. Love is love. Having assholes like Cameron and Comfort spreading their hate around, calling you "sinners" and "terrible" is highly inappropriate and very wrong. Kirk Cameron has no right to judge anyone. He has a hateful heart and his mission is dangerous, maybe even deadly. What if the people he witnessed to that day committed suicide because of what he said to them? He would have blood on his hands because he hate-crimed them. He is no different than the Westboro Baptist Church douchebags.
Incident #2
I wrote a while back about Kirk Cameron's newest movie, "Saving Christmas." Well, after it made its big screen debut, people flocked to Rotten Tomatoes and wrote scathing reviews about it. Even critics trashed the movie, calling it "god-awful." They even gave him an 8%, which is pretty low. To explain to you how bad the movie was, according to reviewers, it had a worse score than Sarah Palin's documentary that debuted in 2011 (and that documentary was pretty awful).
Some of the most acclaimed critics, about 92% of them, encouraged people to NOT see the movie, because of how awful it is.
The funny part of this whole thing is that Kirk Cameron had a gut feeling that people were going to write scathing reviews. To save his own ass, he took to social media and begged people to raise his rating on Rotten Tomatoes.
Here's what he wrote:
"All of you who love Saving Christmas – go rate it at Rotten Tomatoes right now and send the message to all the critics that WE decide what movies we want our families to see! If 2,000 of you (out of almost 2 million on this page) take a minute to rate Saving Christmas, it will give the film a huge boost and more will see it as a result!"The campaign to save his ass did work for a few hours, but the rating only went up to 35%.
On Facebook, many of his fans took to his defense. Those who weren't fans of Kirk Cameron also wrote their thoughts on his fan page. Shortly after his "haters" wrote their comments, they were deleted. Nice to know that freedom of speech doesn't resonate with that village idiot.
My two cents:
Kirk Cameron is entitled to believe in what ever the hell he believes in, but if people don't like his movies, then they are entitled to write what ever review they want. Begging people to write positive reviews on Rotten Tomatoes in order to boost ticket sales of your movie is pretty childish and ridiculous.
I happened to have been someone who wrote on his Facebook fan page. Not even 5 minutes after I hit send, my comment was taken down. Mind you, I did not swear in my comments. I mainly pointed out that "people aren't always going to like his movies, and that he has to realize that not everyone is a Christian. Also, if he spent his time in a less destructive way (i.e pointing out the sins in others), he may be taken more seriously." Nothing wrong with that comment, right? Well, anything that is less than favorable to Kirk Cameron's brand doesn't work well with him, and he just sweeps it under the rug, just like a coward.
Dude, your movie sucks. Take it like a man and move the fuck on!
Incident #3
Mr. Cameron also sent out his holiday wishes, saying that women should be happy to cook holiday meals for their husband and families. He also said that us women should be happy about decorating the house for Christmas. He believes men should not do anything to help out women.
My two cents:
*enter sarcasm* Oh Kirk, us women just love being told that we are a man's servant. All of us just live to serve and bear children. Oh, you want a foot rub after a long and hard day of judging other people? No problem. *eye roll*
In Kirk's tiny little mind, women are nothing but homemakers and child-bearers. We aren't allowed to have our own opinions. Shit, we can't even have a voice. Sir, women are capable of saying and doing what ever the fuck we want. We don't want to be silenced, and we won't be.
People like Kirk Cameron are the reason why we still need feminism!
I understand that Kirk Cameron has a hard-on for the 1950s way of life, but it is 2014 (almost 2015). Get a fucking clue, idiot!
I don't know if he is suffering some mid-life crisis, or stunted adolescence, but, he needs to learn how to talk to people. He needs to understand that not everyone agrees with his dangerous beliefs. Just like he is entitled to his beliefs, we are entitled to ours.
Kirk, here's my rating for your movie (and attitude):