Kirk Cameron's "Saving Christmas" is the "worst movie ever."

via Jezebel

Oh dear, Kirk Cameron's year is not ending on a positive note.

Recently, I wrote about how Cameron's movie, "Saving Christmas" pretty much tanked at the box office and was being trashed on Rotten Tomatoes. Well, it looks like IMDB has confirmed that "Saving Christmas" is the worst movie ever!

According to IMDB, the movie is worse than "From Justin to Kelly," "The Hottie and the Nottie," and "Superbabies." That's pretty fucking bad, considering those movies are absolutely horrible (Yes, it's also worse than "Gigli" and "Glitter.")
So far, Cameron has not commented on setting the IMDB record for Worst Movie of All Time, but I'm sure he will be planning some Westboro Baptist Church-like campaign against the freethinkers, atheists, and relatively sane folks in this world.

Respected movie critics have also critiqued the movie, and the critiques are not good"
"With a smile so wide and laughter that sounds so forced you half-expect the camera to pull back to reveal hostage takers, Mr. Cameron explains how several facets of the holiday — the tree, Santa Claus, gifts — have roots in religious tradition." — Ben Kenigsberg, New York Times.
"A Christmas stocking filled with tedium." I would have said a Christmas stocking filled with used Q-tips and rotten eggnog, but I guess they're a family paper." -- Bill Zwecker of the Chicago Sun-Times.
"Had 'Saving Christmas' run any longer, Cameron would no doubt have found a way to find the divinity in Frosty, Rudolph, the Grinch, peppermint bark, the Elf on the Shelf, frosted cranberry hand soap and Mr. Hanky the Christmas Poo." — Alonso Duralde, the Wrap. 

Mr. Cameron, I think you should throw in your career towel and find somewhere off the grid to live.

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