Over 20,000 couples set to wed on 12/13/14

A lot of engaged couples want to choose a wedding day that has some sort of significance, they all want that lucky day. There was quite a scramble for couples to marry on 7/7/07 (in fact, a dear friend of mine married her husband on that day). Looks like 12/13/14 will be no different. In what looks to be a wedding clusterfuck, tens of thousands of couples are currently scrambling to reserve the best that Churches and reception halls have to offer before time runs out (check the calender, folks. T-minus 5 months and counting for all you engaged folks).

One of the engaged couples that chose 12/13/14 as the "big day" was interviewed, and explained why they chose that day:
"I wanted to have a cool wedding date. I always wanted a winter wedding, so I originally picked Dec. 6. But that wasn't cool, and when I found out that 12/13/14 fell on a Saturday, I knew I had to pick it. We started planning as soon as we got engaged last September."


Being the anti-trendy person that I am, I would rather eat glass than to choose a "cool" wedding date. I feel that choosing a date, such as 12/13/14 or 9/9/09, or whatever is just unnecessary stress. You have to deal with places being sold out, materials being unavailable, etc. Don't get me wrong, it's cool that people want to have such an easy date to remember for anniversaries, but, I kind of feel like that's a husband's "Get out of jail free" card. You have to make your husband sweat a bit when the anniversary rolls around!

If asked to take the plunge, I certainly won't be falling suit and choosing a cool and trendy date. I'd choose something random, like leap year, or bacon day. Maybe waffle day.

So, on Saturday, December 13, don't be surprised if your "Jingle Bell Rock" is overpowered by the wedding march, or the chicken dance song.
If I were you, I'd stay home and drink some heavily spiked nog.

[photo credit: www.bcdigiphot.co.uk]

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