Conor Oberst's rape accuser fabricated story in order to "get attention."

 So many things SERIOUSLY wrong with this, I don't know where to start.

Well, I guess the beginning is a good enough place. A woman by the name of Joanie Faircloth posted on xoJane that the Bright Eyes frontman had raped her when she was a teenager. She came forward about the rape on several different websites, and was quite verbal about it for several months.

Now, she is recanting her statement, saying that she lied in order to "get attention." In her statement, she said that she was going through a "difficult time" and that her son had been ill. She apologized to everyone that she hurt, especially Conor Oberst.
Oberst did file a suit against Faircloth, demanding that she recant her rape claim. He said that her fabrication was an "insult to the millions of rape victims around the world."


This woman disgusts me, and I agree with Conor Oberst. She IS an insult to the millions of rape victims around the world. You have to be out of your fucking mind to lie about a rape! That is one of the worst things a human being can ever do! You hurt so many people by doing that.

I am not a rape victim. I am an assault victim. I was assaulted as a 7 year old child, and it's something that was traumatic and took years of therapy to get through. In fact, I was in a children's hospital getting help for cutting when I was assaulted. It doesn't get more fucked up than that, eh? As a victim of assault, I am angered that Faircloth used rape as a means to get attention. Rape is a degrading, violent action that takes everything from a person. It violates you, taking your innocence. Afterward, you are left feeling dirty, less than human. It changes you. You are never the same.

I hope to God that Faircloth gets educated about what rape is. I hope that she talks to rape victims and they tell her their stories. She needs to understand that she cannot fake rape in order to get attention. She could really hurt someone.
We all go through difficult times. I'm going through a difficult time right now, but, I'm not doing what she did. I'm living my life day to day, recovering from major surgery, and planning for life after recovery. I spend my time writing and reading. I find solace in the company of my boyfriend, friends and family.

I think that Ms. Faircloth should look into talking to the good folks at RAINN (Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network). This organization has helped many men and women over the years. Maybe if Ms. Faircloth heard some of the victims' stories, she may take the violent action more seriously and not use rape as a means to get attention.

I feel terrible for Conor Oberst. I hope he does file some sort of suit against her for emotional damages.

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