Man uses homemade flamethrower to kill spider, ends up burning down the house.

 I'm sure we've all seen the internet memes of cartoon people burning down houses after seeing a spider lurking in a corner. We laugh and share these funny cartoons with our friends and go about our day.
Well, one guy in West Seattle, Washington noticed a nasty looking spider in his laundry room on a Tuesday night. The man wasn't going to allow this arachnid to move another step, or breathe another breath. This dude grabbed a lighter, a can of spray paint, and torched the little shit.
Apparently, the man didn't think this one through, because he set fire to his wall, and before he knew it, the entire house was engulfed in flames.
Here's the kicker, the house was a rental. There were $60,000 in damages ($20,000 to repair/replace the items in the house, and another $40,000 to repair the rental building).
The man had roommates and the Red Cross is hooking the roommates up with housing while everything is getting situated.

Unfortunately, the spider's remains have not been found. The spider's family has yet to press charges.

We've all come across spiders in our homes. The small, fast little bastards that seem to run and go airborne, the daddy long leg ones (my mom told me that when my uncle was little, he used to pull the legs off those spiders and watch the bodies bounce up and down), and then the scary, hairy ones that look like the sister wife of the tarantula. Now, I don't like spiders either, but, I would never use a homemade flame thrower to kill one. I've used vacuum cleaners to kill them, I've crushed them with paper towels, swiffers, books, shoes, I've flushed them down the toilet and I've drowned them.
I've also noticed one of my stepmother's dogs eat spiders.

In no way is it appropriate to use a flamethrower to kill a spider inside your own house. Try matches first!

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