Facebook Page 530 Fatties: Body-Shaming at its worst
Pretty much everyone has a Facebook these days. You, your siblings, your friends, spouse, significant other, cousin, parent, grandparent, pet, etc. You share pictures and status updates. You can 'like' pages, like and comment on funny memes, and share them with your friends.
It's all pretty innocent, right?
Well, not exactly. There are some pages that are on Facebook that are just like the "burn book" from "Mean Girls," except, it bashes those who are overweight. The 530 Fatties page was recently in the news after a young woman in Sacramento, CA found an old picture of herself on the page. The picture was from when she was 50 pounds heavier and the pigs who were members of the page were making fun of her.
See, what the assholes of the page do is that they go around taking pictures of anyone in the Sacramento area they feel is overweight/obese, put it on their page, and flame them.
What 18 year old Jessi Lynn Howell did is call them out on it. Howell certainly doesn't look like the picture on the page though. She is 50 pounds lighter. She suffers from a medical condition and is on medication which has aided in her slimdown. She is eating healthy and working out to expedite the weight loss even further.
Jessi Lynn Howell came forward with the story because she wanted to speak up for the victims. She said that what the members of the page were doing is cyber-bullying and body-shaming. She said that bullying of this kind (and any kind) needs to stop.
The media did try to contact the creator of the page, but the contact information wasn't valid.
I did look for the page on Facebook, but, it looks as if the page was taken down, thank God.
Speaking as someone who has lived in the obese world, overweight world, and average world, I cannot stand body-shaming. I have struggled with my weight for most of my life. I was bullied relentlessly because of my weight. Guys didn't even look at me in high school because of my weight. Some guys didn't talk to me when I was in my early to mid-20s because of my weight.
When I heard about this 530 Fatties page, I got pretty damn angry. First of all, the assholes on that page broke the law by taking pictures of women without their permission. They took those innocent women's dignity. Then, behind their backs, those pieces of shit flamed these women, calling them all kinds of names.
Jessi Lynn Howell is a very brave young woman. I think she did an amazing thing coming forward and being a voice for the victims.
I sincerely hope that the creators and members of that page are found and arrested. What if these morons have a daughter who is overweight? Are they going to take pictures of her and flame her on Facebook? The women they are taking a picture of are someone's daughter, wife, sister, etc. These idiots need to learn how to use their brain, if they even have one.
Here's a snippit of one of the conversations that took place on the page. I blurred out names and pictures, due to privacy issues. These are also victims of the cyber-bullying that took place on this wretched page:
[photo credit(s): www.nydailynews.com]