Nike drops Manny Pacquiao following anti-gay comments.
During a recent interview Pacquiao did in the Philippines, Pacquiao said the following:
"It's common sense. Do you see animals mating with the same sex? Animals are better because they can distinguish male from female. If men mate with men and women mate with women they are worse than animals."
"It's common sense. Do you see animals mating with the same sex? Animals are better because they can distinguish male from female. If men mate with men and women mate with women they are worse than animals."
When Nike heard about this, they terminated their 10 year relationship with him.
Nike released the following statement:
"We find Manny Pacquiao’s comments abhorrent. Nike strongly opposes discrimination of any kind and has a long history of supporting and standing up for the rights of the LGBT community. We no longer have a relationship with Manny Pacquiao.”
Pacquiao issued an apology on Twitter saying that he was sorry for hurting people with what he said. He asked for forgiveness and ended his apology with: God Bless.
My Two Cents:
As a member of the gay community, I am appalled by these comments. If there is anyone who is worse than animals, it's Manny Pacquiao and his homophobic remarks. In fact, Pacquiao is pond scum.
Well done on Nike's part by getting rid of the garbage. I hope more companies follow suit.