Donald Trump discusses the "honer" of being nominated.
In the wee morning hours of February 26, 2016, a toupee-wearing man named Donald Trump went on Twitter and shared his joy with everyone. He had just read about where he stands in the polls, and noticed that he was pulling ahead of all the other GOP hopefuls.
He tweeted the following:
"Wow, every poll said I won the debate last night. Great honer!"
Honer!? o_0
My Two Cents:
Now, I want to choose my words carefully, as Donald Trump is known to be sue-happy. I wonder, though, what an honer is? Is it a hateful boner? If so, why did he share that with Twitter? I understand that some men get erections during inappropriate moments, but most do not share that with the world. If he is talking about his erection, I applaud him for still being able to achieve one at his age (with or without the blue pills). That's quite an accomplishment and he should be very proud of himself.
*slow clap*
If it is a simple misspelling of "honor," then disregard the above.
Mr. Trump, I am a rather generous cripple. "Honor" is spelled H-O-N-O-R. I hope that I have been ever so helpful in your quest to spell words.
Best of luck in the election, sir. I will be rooting for Bernie Sanders. #FeelTheBern!!