Aaron Carter endorses Donald Trump for President.
Nick Carter's baby brother Aaron Carter announced yesterday on Twitter that he is endorsing Hitler...I mean Trump, for President.
Carter stated that he is endorsing Trump because he (Trump) is a "leader, not a follower, and this is what America needs."
Fans of Aaron Carter's completely disagreed with his endorsement, and made their anger known to him. Carter was called every name in the book, including "racist." Carter was fast to react. He stated that he is not racist, and has spent his life touring and "diversifying himself."
My Two Cents:
I needed to thoroughly research these tweets because I wanted to know exactly what goes through the mind of a Trump supporter (besides their a**).
Young Aaron Carter got a lot of heat for his stance, but after reading through his tweets (which there are MANY, I noticed he tweeted that if Trump doesn't support LGBT rights, he was not going to endorse Trump).
Whether he sticks to that or not is not up to us. It would be nice if he does stick to it, as the LGBT community is very close to my heart. My community deserves to have all the same rights that straight people have. If Trump is elected, I'm pretty sure he is going to abolish gay marriage. We have come too far to be shut down by a fossilized Nazi dictator.
I do need to mention that Aaron Carter received A TON of death threats on Twitter. These death threats are going too far. You can disapprove of someone's viewpoint, but DO NOT wish death on them.
I disapprove of Aaron Carter endorsing Donald Trump and I'm just going to leave it at that. I don't wish him harm or ill will. I just hope he reconsiders, for the sake of the LGBT community.
Readers: What do you think of Nick Carter's little brother endorsing Trump?