Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise don't talk to each other, both use intermediates to co-parent daughter.
photo credit: tomcruisecrazy
Remember in the 2000s when TomKat was a thing? Tom Cruise jumped on Oprah's couch, like a batsh*t crazy f*cktard, declaring his undying love for Katie Holmes.
Katie Holmes would coo about Tom Cruise and how lucky she was to find her true love. They married, had a daughter, and then they divorced. Of course, we all know that Tom Cruise had sucked Katie Holmes into his tangled cult of Scientology. We had to endure some rather disturbing photos of Katie Holmes being all submissive and defeated.
Some years later, the clouds parted, and Katie Holmes once again felt the sunshine of common sense caress her face. She saw the error in her ways, and dropped Tom Cruise like a bad habit.
Fast foward to 2015. It appears that Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes never speak to one another. When it comes to co-parenting their 9 year old, they utilize an intermediate. Some have wondered if the Scientology "church" does not allow Tom Cruise to speak to his ex, but Cruise shot down those rumors, saying that he is free to speak to whomever he wants, including Ms. Holmes.
TMZ reports that the reason why they do not speak is because have an "intense dislike for one another."
My Two Cents:
Nothing makes me happier than people who find their way out of toxic situations and they come back better than ever. As someone who has grown up around toxic relationships, nothing is more tragic than watching your parents endure abuse from their partners. I ended up in some toxic situations myself, mainly out of low self-esteem. I was belittled, emotionally abused, and forced to do things that I said 'no' to.
Finally, I realized that I deserved way better, and I broke free. Of course, during my soul searching, love came into my life. I'm still with my partner, 3+ years later. My toxic situations taught me what I don't deserve and what I do deserve.
Katie Holmes realized that her life with Tom Cruise was not only toxic for herself, it was toxic for their daughter. She got out, and is now happier than ever.
If any of what TMZ says is true, then I'm sure both have received backlash for their parenting skills. My thought is: If it works for them, and their daughter is healthy, then I see no problem with it. Besides, which is worse? Using an intermediate to co-parent their daughter, or raising their child in the Scientology cult? You decide.