Giving advice to my younger self. #DearMe
photo credit: Shauna Silva (Me)
*Youtube sensation Laci Green has joined forces with the ladies of Youtube and asked people to write down advice that they would give to their younger self. So, the following is a letter of advice that I would give to my younger self (if such a thing were possible).*
Dear younger self,
I know things suck right now. In your young life, you have dealt with abuse of all kinds. You have dealt with mental illness and self-injury. You have also dealt with being bullied. I know it is hard to believe now, but you will survive. I'm not saying that things will get less difficult as you get older, but I am telling you that you need to hang in there and take things day by day. If that is too much to handle, take life minute by minute. Also, not everyone is out to destroy you. The friends you have right now will be your friends later on in life. People like Liz, Alexis, Paul, Desiree, and Yvonne will be in your life, and will be great encouragers. Understand that it is very rare to have such caring people stay in your life even after everything that has gone on. Do not take these people for granted. Also, do not take Amy and her family for granted. They are your family too, and they love you as if you were their very own.
As for your struggles, you will persevere. Life is always going to be hard for you, and being an adult does not mean that life will be easier. In fact, some struggles will be out of your control. Do not be afraid. Communicate with those you need to be in close contact with, and everything will be okay.
Do not be ashamed of your parents. I know things are strained now, but your relationship with your mother will get much better. She will be in your corner, and you will need her when you get older. Besides, she will be one of your biggest inspirations. As for your dad, don't take him for granted. He is also in your corner. Be close to your family, including your grandparents. You will need them.
As for love, I know that you want to be noticed, and you will be noticed. In fact, you will have an amazing relationship that begins in your late 20s. Do not take him for granted. You will have a lot of heartache leading up to this great love, but every situation you end up in will make you so much more grateful. Remain strong. When you embark on this relationship, do NOT get lost in the relationship. Remember you were an individual before the relationship. You can still have a close relationship, but also remember to be the same Shauna. Be open to him, but do not rely on him solely for your happiness. You need to be happy on your own too.
The point of all of this is: be strong. You will survive, persevere, thrive, etc. Never forget who you are and where you come from. The right people will love you. Those who frown on you for not being from a moral upbringing, rich family, healthy family, etc., do not pay attention to them. Those who put their focus on being rich are not worth your time. Remember that a fool and their gold are soon parted. Do NOT change in order to gain other people's approval. Be the individual that you are. If people don't like that, or call you trash behind your back, tell them to f*ck off. If they had half a heart, they would be open-minded about your background.
You are a strong ass b*tch. Stay that way. Stand up for what you believe in and speak out, even if your voice shakes. Also, work on the stubbornness. You will need to relax more once you hit your 30s. Your health will depend on it. Trust me on this. You think things are bad now, wait and see what happens in your 30s. Don't be afraid though. You'll get through it.
Your older self.