When your unborn baby boy tries to pull a fast one on you...

Photo Credit: Pintrest via Yahoo images
Last week, I had an appointment with my doctor to see how things were going with the pregnancy (I'm 16 weeks, 3 days as of today) When the doctor tried to get my baby's heartbeat, she couldn't find it. She used two different handheld monitors to find the heartbeat with no such luck. I began to panic, thinking something was wrong with my baby. The doctor decided to bring in the ultrasound to help better measure the heartbeat. Sure enough, my little boy was kicking and moving like crazy on the screen, hence why she couldn't read the heartbeat on her handheld. Little dude was a busy body!). Even my doctor chuckled at the situation. A few seconds later, I had a listen at the heartbeat. I was so relieved that my baby was perfectly fine.
This appointment came a day or so after I first felt the baby move. It was the most magical feeling I've ever experienced.

Now that the appointment has come and gone, this is so typical of the type of child I would bring into the world, LOL! Little dude making you think something is wrong, then psyching you out. I can only imagine the shenanigans my son will involve himself in once he is born.
I have another appointment in a few weeks for the level 2 ultrasound. Seriously looking forward to seeing my little boy again. He better behave this time, LOL!

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