The Bey Hive destroys Tomi Lahren on social media.

Photo Credit: westernjournalism
Former TV host, and currently unemployed conservative Tomi Lahren has plenty of time on her hands. She has enough time to open her privileged yap and insult two of today's biggest names: Colin Kapernick, and the almighty Beyonce.
Basically, it all started when Beyonce honored Kaepernick with a legacy award. Lahren got in on the action on Twitter, saying:
"Police-hating BeyoncĂ© presents police and America-hating Kappy with a 'legacy' award. This is how far we've fallen. Wow." 
Not even 5 minutes later, Beyonce's Bey Hive flooded Lahren's social media with comeback comments.
"Good to see you're drinking all of the #FauxNews Kool-aid these days. Beyonce and Kaepernick have been very clear that they respect the police. What they protest is the continued racial inequality & unjustified homicides of black men and women at the hands of too many officers."
Another user mis-named Lahren, calling her Timmy instead of Tomi, and exclaimed that Beyonce had more class in one of her extensions that Tomi has ever had.

My Two Cents

Beyonce and Kaepernick have never been anti-police. Just like millions of people in this country and throughout the world, including myself, people are understandably upset about racial inequality. Too many men, women, and children of color are roughed up and gunned down because of the color of their skin. A young man could be walking home from a school activity and be gunned down, simply for not being white. It's a terrible tragedy that happens too often in this country. Tomi Lahren is racist enabler. She is a young public figure and she could be using her powers for good. Instead, she uses it to spread racism. Sad.

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