Donald Trump refers to 'Obama-founded-ISIS' comment as "sarcasm."
Photo Credit:newyorker |
On Wednesday, Trump addressed his brainwashed followers in true fashion: a small jarb here, and a small jarb there. Then, he went for the gullet. He suggested that Hillary Clinton and Obama conspired together to create ISIS. During an interview following the rally, he insisted that his comments were true. Afterward, things spiraled for Trump as his comments spread like wildfire throughout all of social media.
Here is what he said during the interview following the rally:
"No, I meant he’s the founder of ISIS. I do. He was the most valuable player. I give him the most valuable player award. I give her, too, by the way, Hillary Clinton."In an attempt to save his a**, he logged onto Twitter and said that he was being "sarcastic."
On Friday, Trump tweeted the following:
"Ratings challenged @CNN reports so seriously that I call President Obama (and Clinton) 'the founder' of ISIS and MVP. THEY DON'T GET SARCASM?"(Is Donnie-boy scared about his drop in the polls? Have desperate times called for desperate measures?)
My Two Cents
Regardless of how you feel about Hillary Clinton and President Obama, you don't come out and accusse them of being the founding members of a radical terrorist group. I mean, has Donald Trump lost his f*cking mind?! You don't say sh*t like that!
Before some of you jump down my throat and call me an Obama lover, or a teet-sucker of Clinton's, I don't care for either of them. I am just an American who is horrified by the circus we call an election. This election year is, by far, the most embarrassing one we've had in decades, pretty much thanks to Trump.
I don't know if it's his old age, or if he really is just an arrogant a**, but he cannot formulate anything intelligent to say. He doesn't back up anything he does manage to say, and he is a bad businessman (how many bankruptcies has he had now?). He has no experience in politics, nor any military experience. Why the hell would we elect him? I feel that a GOOD president should have both political experience and a military background (going to military school for a brief time doesn't count, Donnie-boy).
I think it would be in all of our best interest if Donald Trump backs out of the race (or at least sews his lips shut until he loses the election in November).
Dear Mr. Trump,