Ted Cruz does not endorse Donald Trump, and the crowd loses it!
Yesterday, Republican senator Ted Cruz took the stage to announce that he will not be endorsing Presidential Republican nominee Donald Trump. The reaction Ted Cruz received was melodic booing from the audience.
Cruz had signed a pledge to support the party's nominee. However, Cruz broke that pledge after Trump made horrifying comments about Cruz's father and wife.
Trump accused Cruz's father of being a part of the John F. Kennedy assassination. Donald Trump also took 'below the belt' jabs at Ted Cruz's wife Heidi, calling her 'homely.' Trump shared a rather unflattering photo of Heidi Cruz on Twitter, and then shared a photo of his own wife, Melania Trump. The public mocking lasted for quite a while.
On Thursday morning, Cruz met with his state's GOP delegation, and said this:
"I am not in the habit of supporting people who attack my wife and attack my father. That pledge was not a blanket commitment that if you go and slander and attack Heidi that I’m going to nonetheless come like a servile puppy dog and say, ‘Thank you very much for maligning my wife and maligning my father."Ted Cruz received a lot of hell from fellow Republicans, including Chris Christie:
"I think it was awful. I think it was selfish. To say cute things like ‘You should vote for the candidate you believe in from the top of the ticket to bottom’ — this is the kind of Washington talk that people in this country are repelled by. I sat there shaking my head."Ted Cruz refused to apologize for his stance.
"What I said last night is what I believe. If anyone here thinks I was eager to come to this convention and give a speech laying out and supporting many of the principles Trump laid out during the campaign … despite the fact he nor his campaign has ever taken back anything he’s said about my family … let me assure you, I was not."Donald Trump knew that Cruz wasn't going to endorse him, but he allowed Cruz to speak anyway.
My Two Cents
I respect anyone who does NOT endorse Trump. That's as far as my respect goes for Ted Cruz, however. Cruz is still a GOP nitwit, but I support what he did at the convention. As for Chris Christie saying that Cruz was selfish, obviously Chris Christie has no respect for family. Cruz did right by standing up for his family, even if it has alienated him from the GOP delegates.