(WTF!?) Man steals adult toys from Spencer's Gifts after proposing to girlfriend at Walmart.


Now that we are smack dab in the middle of engagement season, everyone is looking for ways to tell that special someone that they are "the one."
Well, one young man from Michigan thought that grandest gesture would be to propose to his lady love over the loudspeaker at Walmart.
A 25-year-old William Cornelius purchased a $29.96 engagement ring and asked for 20-year-old Sheri Moore's hand in marriage. She said 'yes' and both embraced. Walmart customers cheered the couple on as they shared their moment.

Once the romantic moment was over, William Cornelius went over to Spencer's Gifts to get sex toys for his beloved. He swiped $80.93 worth of items from the store. Some of the items found on Cornelius include:
  • "Bride-to-Be" thong
  • Vibrator
  • Edible thong
  • BJ oral blast candy for oral sex
Cornelius admitted to police that he stole the items for his lady love. He was arrested, along with his lady love. Turns out, Moore stole a few items from Walmart shortly before being proposed to.

My Two Cents:

So are the registering at the gift shop located inside their prison? By the way, for Sheri Moore, if a dude is buying sex toys from Spencer's Gifts, he doesn't know how to please you anyway.
You seriously can't get more redneck than these two. LOL!

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